Career Counsleing
Friday, January 29, 2010
One of the many hats that I wear as a campus minister is that of Career Counselor. I am not sure that anyone really takes my advice, but I enjoy showing students some options for majors, careers, and futures where they can be happy and serve the Lord. A job will never make anyone’s life! Solomon looked back on his wealth and ‘happiness’ and described it all as vain without God in your life. Our first priority is to direct students (and anyone who will listen) to the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything else after that “is just gravy.” Christians need to be aware of career fields that exist where they can make an income to support their family, those in need, and the local church (in both time and money). They need to be aware of the dangers that are present in many careers and job settings. Christians need to know, need to be informed, about jobs where they can serve others, spend time with their families, and not be distracted from the true purpose of life: “serve God and keep His commandments.” Here is a great website that (especially) young people need to be aware of when looking at different career possibilities:
It is the website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics which describes jobs and job categories. It gives information on requirements and education, work setting and regular work weeks, salary, related occupations, and other neat stuff.
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