Career Counsleing

Friday, January 29, 2010

One of the many hats that I wear as a campus minister is that of Career Counselor. I am not sure that anyone really takes my advice, but I enjoy showing students some options for majors, careers, and futures where they can be happy and serve the Lord. A job will never make anyone’s life! Solomon looked back on his wealth and ‘happiness’ and described it all as vain without God in your life. Our first priority is to direct students (and anyone who will listen) to the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything else after that “is just gravy.” Christians need to be aware of career fields that exist where they can make an income to support their family, those in need, and the local church (in both time and money). They need to be aware of the dangers that are present in many careers and job settings. Christians need to know, need to be informed, about jobs where they can serve others, spend time with their families, and not be distracted from the true purpose of life: “serve God and keep His commandments.” Here is a great website that (especially) young people need to be aware of when looking at different career possibilities:

It is the website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics which describes jobs and job categories. It gives information on requirements and education, work setting and regular work weeks, salary, related occupations, and other neat stuff.


Spring Semester “to do list” for High School Students to prepare for College:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

High School Juniors:
1. Take challenging classes
2. Make a list of possible colleges, college majors, and careers you are interested in
3. Research these school (especially their admission requirements)
4. Talk to your high school guidance counselor
*Even though you are brilliant, independent, and self sufficient, talk to your counselor about colleges, careers, scholarships. These people are trained to help you!
**For homeschoolers who do not have a ‘school counselor’, you may be able to contact a local high school and use their services. Or find someone who can help you with college choices, local scholarships, and the like.
5. Schedule, study, and take the ACT and SAT
*Test help guides for high-school juniors and seniors:
SAT Study Guide by The College Board
Cracking the SAT by Princeton Review
Extensive but Expensive Kaplan ACT Test Prep
McGraw-Hill's ACT Test Prep
6. Do something this summer!
-Get a job
-Or get an internship
-Or take come basic college classes at a Junior College (if you qualify)
-Or job shadow
-Or volunteer

High School Seniors:
1. Even if you haven’t chosen a college, work toward financial aid
-Find a financial aid seminar in your area and attend it with your parents
-Fill out your FASFA as soon as possible
2. Apply for college admission to your short list of schools
3. Visit these schools for the 2nd or 3rd time.
4. Visit the local church(es)
5. Apply for scholarships
6. Make your decision
-Then you can apply for college/university scholarships
-Then you can apply for student housing
-Then you can visit professors/administration
-Then you can learn as much as possible about the college before you enter next fall!


First Day of School: Spring Semester

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The student center is abuzz with stories of holiday breaks, class schedules, and resolutions to study harder, work out more, and the like. I love the first week of school. Students are (generally) excited to be going to college. Students are (genuinely) excited to see one another after a nice break. Students are (graciously) excited about Bible classes and spiritual things. Other than the traffic….its a great time of the year! Having spent the most of the past 4 weeks as a stay-at-home dad, getting out of the house is good and bad. It is great to be up and working but hard to break away from all the time I was able to spend catching up with my family.

This semester has some great things lined up for the students at the McCarty Student Center:
Sunday Bible Class: “Inspiration” through February then “Genesis I”
Monday Bible Class: “Alleged Contradictions”
Wednesday Bible Class: “The Cross”
Thursday Night Devos

February 5-7
Spring Retreat @ HEB Encampment:
“Faith and Defending the Faith” with Branyon May

March 6-13
Spring Break Mission Trip to Jamaica
Evangelistic Campaign in St. Ann’s Bay Jamaica

With social outings and service projects along the way, this should be an exciting semester at Texas State!


Back in the Swing of Things

Friday, January 15, 2010

Classes let out for the semester almost a month ago, and, while many high schools and colleges have begun the Spring semester, we here at Texas State will start on Tuesday. The Campus ministry will resume its regular schedule:

Monday Bible Class 8:00pm
Wednesday Singing and Study 7:00- 8:30pm
Thursday Devotional 9:00pm

Reminder of dates for high school seniors and parents: do your FASFA as soon as possible. It is also the time of year for seniors to being to look at the college possibilities and making visits to possible campuses and local churches. If we can be any assistance to you or someone you know, let us know.


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